
Delivery options:

1. You can arrive and pick up from Petah Tikva - Hadar Ganim (by appointment by the hour).

2. Registered mail from the Israel Post - delivery to the entire country, arrives within 7 business days, to the distribution area close to your home at a cost of 20 NIS.

3. Courier to the house - arrives within 5 business days, (usually within 3 days), arrives at the house at a cost of 35 NIS.

4. Collection of a distribution bank in Netanya - within 6 business days, in the old industrial area, at a cost of NIS 10.

Over 600 NIS - free shipping.

Gift with every delivery!

payment options:

Payment by credit card in a secure clearing system from Max.

Paybox- Paybox-
At the following link

3. Bank transfer
Bank Mizrahi Tefahot Bank 20
Branch 573
Account number 321380
In the name of Natalie Malka ️